

That Fits Your Life style

Become a member and save hundreds on your treatments of choice. Get all the savings while redeeming points for an additional bonus. Get invited to special events and exclusive offers only available to our Prime members.


We've got answers

Just like joining a gym, where meeting your goals is reflective of the number of times you workout in a week, it’s the same approach needed to achieving your skin care goals. The more we see you (think: monthly facials) the more we get to know your skin and prescribe a customized treatment plan and products to expedite your results.

As a non-member Kim gets 55 units of Botox every three months at $14 per unit for $770. As a Prim Member, Tara gets 55 units of Botox every three months at $10 per unit for $550. She gets this rate by paying $129 per month into a Cerenity savings account as a Prim Member. So, Tara has $387 of compounding monthly membership fees that she can apply at checkout. That means Tara is only paying $163 out of pocket every three months for Botox, whereas Kim is paying $770.